'Harel Beit-On'

Similarweb is now trading on the New York Stock Exchange (SMWB)

Viola Growth portfolio company SimilarWeb successfully completed its Initial Public Offering (IPO) today on the New York Stock Exc... MORE

SimilarWeb: An investment memo from 3 years ago and one for the 3 years to come

3 years ago when we led the round in SimilarWeb, I wrote a blog post, which was kind of an investment memo, explaining why I belie... MORE

[VIDEO] Israel Growth Summit: “The State of Growth Companies in Israel” (Shlomo Dovrat & Harel Beit-On)

The first ever Israel Growth Summit was held recently in Tel Aviv, co-hosted by the Viola Group and the Israel Growth Forum led by... MORE

Viola Credit’s Ruthi (Simha) Furman on the benefits of Venture Lending and on being a woman in a male-dominated industry

The following post was written by Noya Lizor, during her tenure as Director of Content at Viola (2014-2019). Ruthi (Simha) Furman... MORE

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