The first ever Israel Growth Summit was held recently in Tel Aviv, co-hosted by the Viola Group and the Israel Growth Forum led by Wix, and attended by CEOs and executives from over 150 Israeli tech companies in their growth stage. Although this was an exclusive event, the content was so interesting and valuable, we wanted to make it accessible to the entire community of tech companies and startups in Israel, so for the past few weeks we’ve been publishing video highlights from the event, by speakers from Viola, Wix, ironSource, Mellanox, SimilarWeb, Yotpo and Check Point (more to come from Goldman Sachs, Moovit, Zerto and DaPulse). In this post, Payoneer COO, Keren Levy, and Fiverr COO, Vered Raviv Schwarz, talk about the challenges of maintaining a healthy company culture as your startup scales.

Payoneer and Fiverr are each great examples of startups that have experienced tremendous growth and now employ hundreds of employees around the world. Most outside observers may regard these startups as companies that have “already made it” so it must therefore be “easier” for them to manage various growth processes, but in fact the opposite is true, because the bigger the companies get, so do the challenges. The challenges for growth-companies are constantly changing and they grow more complicated, which is why it’s important for them not only to run a tight ship to maximize efficiency, but also to preserve a healthy and vibrant company culture, which is a vital ingredient to the success and morale of startups (of any size).

In their ‘fireside chat’, COOs of both companies – Keren Levy from Payoneer and Vered Raviv Schwarz from Fiverr – talk about the challenges for growth-companies around maintaining a healthy company culture as they scale.

Here are highlights from Keren and Vered’s chat:
(Note: The videos are in Hebrew)

How to stay customer-centric while scaling internationally

In this video:
Keren and Vered provide overviews of their company size and global presence, and give examples of how their two companies foster a customer-centric approach despite the challenges of scaling internationally.

Maintaining a strong culture in a global organization

In this video:
Keren and Vered talk about some of the tactics and practices they use at Payoneer and Fiverr to create and maintain a strong company culture which spans their offices across the globe.

Dealing with the “Israeliness” in a global company

In this video:
Keren and Vered discuss how the Israeli business/office culture is perceived in international offices and offer tips on how to manage the “Israeliness” in a way that helps to bridge cultural gaps.

About the Israel Growth Summit
The summit was created to bring together this exclusive group of leaders so that they can benefit from the experience of fellow industry colleagues whose companies have already reached significant growth milestone. The summit – which will be held annually – was conceived to provide a forum for tech companies to network and benefit from shared knowledge and connections, in the hope of strengthening Israel’s ecosystem of growth-stage companies as they navigate their journey towards becoming global leaders.

More videos in our Israel Growth Summit video series:
The State of Growth Companies in Israel (with Viola Group Co-founders Shlomo Dovrat & Harel Beit-On)
Challenges faced by tech companies as they scale (with Wix’ President & COO, Nir Zohar)
Why is Inorganic Growth so important? (with ironSource Co-founder & CEO, Tomer Bar Zeev & Mellanox Co-founder, CEO & President, Eyal Waldman)
6 Guidelines for Change & Growth (with Check Point President, Amnon Bar-Lev)
The challenges of taking your company global (with Or Offer & Tomer Tagrin)
Growth Financing Panel (with Goldman Sachs MD, Jonathan Penkin)