Roy Katmor, Co-founder & CEO at enSilo

Age: 42

Lives in: San Francisco

Significant others: Married + 2

Company Headquarters: R&D resides in Israel/Herzliya. Our Headquarters are in US/San Francisco

What does your company do and why is it unique?
enSilo is a cyber-security startup. Specifically, we prevent data exfiltration by threat actors. The company was founded on the recognition that targeted attacks are similar to chronic diseases where organizations that have made responsible and sustained investments in attack detection continue to be compromised.

In the same way chronically-ill patients are provided a treatment to control the disease and increase longevity, organizations must deal in real-time with a persistently compromised network.  To that effect, enSilo prevents the consequences of an advanced targeted attack, namely, the theft of valuable data.

An analogy to the physical world would be through surveillance cameras. Current advanced threat solutions are similar to such cameras looking-in. We turn these cameras by 180 degrees to look outward.

What are you most proud of in your company?
My employees, of course.

Who inspires you/who do you admire – and why?
Doron Zexer for being a social volunteering entrepreneur. Basically he left the traditional hi-tech scene and initiated the first social mall. The mall is basically a platform that aims to promote the products and services of social businesses and charities only.

Which other companies do you admire and why?
Apple and Tesla Motors for being able to reinvent themselves over and over again

What do you do for fun?
Anything to do with DIY – from cars to home improvement

iPhone or Android? iPhone

Favorite Food: Seaweed salad

Favorite TV show: Dexter

Favorite technological gadgets/apps right now:
Zano (Miniature quadcopter controlled via mobile phone)
Scout 5000 (Pet GPS collar that streams video to mobile devices)

Favorite go-to websites/blogs for news on your industry/technology
Dark Reading

The best business advice you ever received:
Invent a remedy only after you’ve identified a real pain.

What do you think would really surprise people to learn about you?
I don’t eat cucumbers.